


  • 2016-11-25 总部动态


    12th Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & RestorationCall for abstractsInvited Committee: ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Interpretation & PresentationTheme: Place of Memory – Protection, Conservation, InterpretationPlace and Date: Florence, Italy, 8-10 March 2017The term place of memory (lieu de memoire) has been used in heritage protection with increased frequency. A ‘place of memory’ is a property or site vested with historical significance due to the nature of the historic events that occurred there. What differentiates places of memory from other categories of heritage is the relation between the material and non-material components of the site. In ‘places of memory’, the non-material component is offar greater importance than the material one.In historical studies, the term place of memory conveys several meanings, including metaphorical ones. In heritage protection, however, the meaning of this phrase narrows down to such sites as battlefields, places of birth or death of important persons, killing and captivity sites, disaster areas, and other sites of similar historical significance. These sites are characterised by the humble nature of material components—or even absence of any material components at all— compared to the immaterial value/significance attributed to these sites.As the term place of memory is still new in heritage protection and conservation, it needs to be developed in both its theoretical and practical aspects. It is therefore necessary to coin fundamental terms for the sites in question, formulate principles of conservation-related actions to be taken in these places, and popularise examples of protecting and interpreting places of memory.Forms of conservation actions and the rules governing them should depend on the values of the site, its material features of an asset, its non-material values, and the relationship between these components. These aspects are a part of the conservation theory.Deadline for abstracts – 20 December 2016For more information, please visit:http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/2017.-03-Florence-Place-of-Memory-call-for-abstracts.pdf

  • 2016-11-04 国际之声


    7th International ISPRS/CIPA Workshop on “3DVirtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures”1-3 March 2017 Nafplio, GreeceAbstract submission deadline: 20 November 2016The 7th ISPRS/CIPA3D-ARCHinternational workshopon“3DVirtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures”will be held in Nafplio (Greece) on 1-3 March 2017. Nafplio is an heritage seaport village in the Peloponnesus peninsula, approx 2hrs south-west of Athens.The 2017 edition will focus on the steps and processes for smart 3D reconstruction, modelling, accessing and understanding of virtual environments from multiple data sources.Topics include: Multi-source data and multi-sensors approaches Low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms for terrestrial 3D modeling Automation in data registration Image matching and 3D reconstruction Point cloud analysis 4D modelling Procedural modeling and BIM Accuracy requirement and assessment in 3D reconstructions Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the visualization and conservation of complex architectures and heritageThe event will have single-track technical sessions with oral presentations, poster sessions and demos.For more information, please visit: http://www.3d-arch.org/

  • 2016-10-24 会员动态


  • 2016-10-21 国际之声


    International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures20-22 September 2017Istanbul, TurkeyThe SHATIS’17 International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures is a meeting organized every two years by countries with a rich history in timber structures and an advanced industrial and academic background in the wood sector. After 3 successful conferences in Portugal, Italy and Poland, the 4th edition of SHATIS will take place in Istanbul, Turkey in 2017.Abstract deadline: 9 December 2016For more information, please visit: http://shatis17.hku.edu.tr/

  • 2016-10-21 总部动态


    ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions 13 – 15 March 2017ICOMOS and Kyushu University, Japan will jointly convene an international workshop in 2017. The workshop is intended as an opportunity to engage in open and constructive discussion on the subject of the reconstruction of destroyed/damaged cultural heritage.Under the title “A contemporary provocation: reconstructions as tools of future-making”, the venture is a pilot initiative of the ICOMOS University Forum, and will be hosted by ICOMOS in Paris from 13-15 March 2017.Three themes are proposed. Theme 1: From Nara to Nara+20: where is authenticity now? Authenticity has long been the normative framework for discussions about reconstruction. Thirty years after the Venice Charter, the Nara Document recognized the cultural dimension of development. Since then the interrelationship between heritage and society obtained practical significance and intensified in many ways. Today, authenticity is back on the agenda and turns out to be a complex topic of different definitions and perspectives brought to bear on a variety of contemporary reconstructions of the past. This is the context where we should approach authenticity today to ask ourselves “where are we now”? Theme 2: Creating heritage-making futures? It has long been held that the legacy of the past needs to be conserved for the benefit of future generations, as well as for our own. In conserving what we received we have created “heritage”. In this theme we ask about the positive contributions that such heritage can make to the lives of future generations, in the light of the impacts of historical, cultural and natural changes and transformations. How will what we now accept as heritage improve specific futures? Is there a role for reconstructions?Theme 3: Conservation as management Conservation has long been considered as the management of change. A primary change has been in understanding the scope of the legacy. In parallel, the range of stakeholders has extended beyond the traditional conservation disciplines and authorities to encompass disparate social groups and communities, participants in identifying and valorising aspects of the legacy, including its potential reconstructions. We ask what consequences for reconstruction flow from this process of change, from the shift in the social roles, powers and capacities that are brought to bear, including the implications for understanding, resource allocation and knowledge and cultural development.The Workshop ConceptThe Workshop is intended to be an intensive, exploratory experience in which the participants engage in open discussion in a multi-disciplinary environment. Numbers will be small (30-35) in order to encourage the maximum engagement with the perspectives of participants. The language of the Workshop will be English.The Workshop will be constructed as follows:1. Participants will be confirmed on the basis of short abstracts (500 -1000 words), received by the Working Group by 18 November 2016. Abstracts may be submitted either in English or in French. Decisions of acceptance will be made by 10 November 2016.2. The selected abstracts will be circulated to all participants in advance of the workshop.3. Following brief introductory context-setting statements, participants will be assigned to a small group devoted to one of the three themes outlined above. While, in assigning participants to each group, consideration will be given to the choice of theme by the participants, the overriding concern of the organisers will be to ensure that groups are as balanced as possible.4. Groups will be asked to prepare a summary of their discussions for presentation to the workshop at a plenary session.5. Following the workshop, these summaries will be circulated to all participants.6. At this stage, participants will be asked to prepare full papers in English (6000 words) with a view to publication. These papers will generally develop the theme of the participants’ original abstract. However, they must also explicitly reflect on and take into account the discussions that have taken place during the workshop. This requirement is a precondition for publication.7. The papers will be peer-reviewed by the Working Group and considered for academic publication in a printed volume. All peer-approved papers will be published open-access online with permanent availability.Abstracts should bear a title and the name and academic affiliation of the author, and be submitted as a .doc or .docx file to: secretariat@icomos.org with the subject line “ Your last name/ ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions”.Further particulars concerning the arrangements for the workshop will be sent to the authors of accepted Abstracts early in 2017.

  • 2016-10-12 中国遗产


    关于举办“更多参与,更好保护-首届社会力量参与文物保护论坛”的公告为贯彻落实习近平总书记和李克强总理对文物工作的重要指示和批示精神,进一步提高全民参与文物保护的意识和行动,中国文物保护基金会与《光明日报》社共同举办首届社会力量参与文物保护论坛。此次论坛以“更多参与、更好保护”为主题,旨在搭建联系全国文化遗产保护社会组织和志愿者的平台,以进一步动员社会力量,为形成文物保护全民参与,保护成果全民共享的新格局,走出一条符合国情的文物保护利用之路做出积极努力。会议名称更多参与、更好保护-首届社会力量参与文物保护论坛主办单位中国文物保护基金会《光明日报》社论坛时间2016年11月3日(11月2日下午报到,4日离会)论坛地点北京四川龙爪树宾馆参会范围凡各级各类文物保护、文化遗产保护领域公益性基金会均可报名参加;凡全国及地方民间发起的文物保护、文化遗产保护领域社会组织均可报名参加;邀请部分全国性文物保护、文化遗产保护领域社会团体代表;邀请部分高校、研究机构相关方面专家、学者;邀请部分文物保护、文化遗产保护志愿者代表。论坛议题社会力量参与文物保护的政策和机制;社会力量参与文物保护的法制保障;社会组织在参与文物保护中的地位和作用;社会力量参与文物保护的实践与探索。论坛费用主办方承担论坛的会务费用及会议期间的住宿费及餐费,与会者的往返交通费敬请自理。论坛征文论坛现开展征文活动,主要征集社会力量参与文物保护相关方面的文章。其中论文要求结合文物保护及文化遗产保护;案例要求实践经验与总结思考并重,结合议题提出问题、建议。录用稿件收录到论坛文集,优秀稿件将在会议上安排发言或案例展示。稿件请于10月20日前邮件发送至征文邮箱,论坛概不退稿,请作者自留底稿。请有意参会的组织代表填写后附回执, 于10月17日前邮件至报名邮箱或快递至中国文物保护基金会。感谢支持,敬请光临。报名及征文邮箱:sfchcinfo@163.com通讯地址:北京市东城区五四大街29号 010-56792285参会咨询:邢 洁 18614036925会务联系:孙 群 13810649998 伦君洋 18610314119附:参会回执中国文物保护基金会 2016年9月23日

  • 2016-10-10 国际之声

    “第三届南南合作(SCC) 框架下全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)高级培训及经验分享会”将于本月23日在中国召开

    第三届南南合作(SCC) 框架下全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)高级培训及经验分享会2016年10月23日-11月5日背景全世界有十亿人口都受益于由家庭和社区共同管理的农业系统而得以生存,这是人类共同的遗产。历经多个世纪的发展,一代又一代的农民和牧民发挥自己的聪明才智,利用各种技术,不断开拓实践,逐步开发出复杂多样且契合当地特征的农业系统,为人类提供了充足的食物和生存保障,并有效地保护了自然资源。其中一些具有重要全球价值的农业系统现在被认定为全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)。中国是首创国之一,积极参与由联合国粮农组织推广、全球环境基金所资助的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)活动中来。联合国粮农组织-全球环境基金所资助的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)活动得到了中国国家农业部的大力支持,并在其领导下得以开展。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所以及其他相关研究组织共同参与,对全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)所在地进行了系统研究。自2004年以来,上述组织和机构已形成了了国家行动框架;保护和开发规划;并为项目实施和开发可替代工业提供指导。目标本次高级培训会的目标是培训高层/高级人员 - 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的国家级重要机构、国家资源管理人员或学者,以便在各自的国家开展、实施和管理全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目。此次高级培训会将以数十年来全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的动态保护、农业遗产的科学研究以及世界范围内开展的实践经验等为基础,尤其是中国的相关经验。会议还将邀请已经拥有全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)地并且是全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)科学咨询小组(SAG)会员的国家前来参会,并分享其在确认全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)地并实现动态保护中所取得的经验和专业知识。培训课程将分为多个模块: 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)概念框架、背景、标准及程序 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的实施及操作框架;资源调动和资助机会 农业遗产和可持续发展支柱 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 和里约20国峰会(联合国可持续发展大会)愿景及国际开发目标 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 影响和事项 通过南南合作学到的经验教训 共享未来发展之路各国参会代表需符合下述标准参会代表必须是: 来自国家政府、国内相关机构、科研院所、研究机构和/或已参加了或将要经常参与全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 活动的国内民间组织的代表; 小于55岁,拥有农学、环境、农村发展或生物学等专业学习背景 (学历、理学学士学位或更高) ,至少四年在职或实践经验。 流利的英语,尤其是听说方面。 在正式开始培训课程之前,将要求参会人员参加面试、或对其工作经验进行考察、或了解其对下述内容的认知情况:所在国农业及环境发展状况;相关政策、影响农业生产和农民的法律法规;评估传统的、农业-生态耕作体系的剖面数据;农业生物多样性、作物(含价值被低估的作物)及牲畜的状况及发展趋势;本土知识系统及相关实践的状况及发展趋势;列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的文化景观;人与生物圈计划;原住民;保护区;国家公园;以及其他与人们和自然相关的信息。这些是制定全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)培训课程时所需要的内容。 所有参会人员必须由国家政府提名和批文认证,需要获得组织者的批准,并可公开获取。 参会人员由联合国粮农组织和位于北京的中国国家农业部共同选择确定。成功参会的人员将得到北京中国国家农业部的正式确认。培训费用经任何国家正式提名的一名参会人员的相关差旅、食宿及其他费用均由联合国粮农组织负担。培训会还将邀请观察员参加,但费用必须自行负担。培训期限及场所培训将于2016年10月23日至11月5日在中国举办。同时还将组织参会人员参观中国南部、东部及北部几个全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)所在地和国家重要农业遗产体系(NIAHS) 所在地。完整培训班简介请见:http://www.icomoschina.org.cn/download.php?class=105欲知更多信息请咨询:联合国粮农组织---全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)秘书处,Email:Giahs-secretariat@fao.org中国---国际合作服务中心 (CICOS),中国北京国家农业部,Email:giahs-cn@agri.gov.cn

  • 2016-09-21 会员动态



  • 2016-09-21 国际之声


    TechnoHeritage 20173rdInternationalCongress Science andTechnology for the Conservation of Cultural HeritageCádiz, May 20-23, 2017The conference offers: An interdisciplinary and international forum for discussions on all aspects of Cultural Heritage A special session focused on H2020 opportunities for Cultural Heritage topics A high-quality scientific programme including new emerging topics in Cultural Heritage such as: nanotechnology, underwater conservation and innovative monitoring techniques Publication of papers in indexed proceedings. In addition, a number of selected papers will be published in a high-quality journal with a high impact factor Reduced registration fee for students. In the case of undergraduate students, recognition of an academic ECTS credit An extraordinary venue for the conference. Cadiz, one of the oldest cities in Western Europe which preserves an important historical legacy, together with excellent beaches. A fantastic social programme including a tour of a Sherry Bodega, a Gala Dinner with flamenco show and a guided tour of Cadiz The reduced registration fee includes lunches, the Gala Dinner and two different tours.Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2016For more information, please visit: http://technoheritage2017.uca.es/

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